Evening lights.

Another crisp morning and a generally chilly day. Just what we should be having this time of year. It may kill of some of the bug and pests we dont want! I wish it would do the same to Corvid!

Getting back to normal day today. Washing returns to the agenda and the Christmas table now just the normal dinning table once again. 

I also managed to process the last of the Christmas left overs  and there is now a good batch of stock frozen for making hearty winter soups. 

Mr Tbay had a good session in the Office which is where I will be heading on Friday as it is the 1st of the month and that means VAT and bills! 

After I had done the hens with Pip we had a walk and on returning the lights on the Tbay Jnrs house looked so pretty. I do love the Christmas decorations and will be sad to see them taken down in a few days time.

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