The plan today was to keep moving and loosen the back up with nothing too strenuous.Decided to prepare the bike for winter riding using ACF50 to protect the engine, carnauba wax on the paint work,GT85 under the seat and on the electrics and finally pro-prep on everything else.Leaving it overnight to allow the ACF50 to creep into all the nooks and crannies finally finishing off with a wipe down and brake clean.

The great news today is the Astra Zeneca vaccine.It has met UK approval and roll out will start next week. Unbelievably Europe will probably not approve it until the end of January at a European level then it will be down to individual european states to approve it for themselves.People are dying just get a move on.How quickly the benefits of being an independent country are starting to appear.

A cold day.Some sunny intervals and a cold night forecast.

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