Don?t Know Nuffink

By Mrski1

Bob Souter 10 TT

Second race of the season at the more standard distance of 10 miles. I headed over to the hall for 9am to sign on and then rode the 3-4 miles up to the start line, where, I felt a bit chilly! Luckily Bill from the club had his van so I sat in there out of the cold wind until needed to emerge to warm up, once Bill headed off I found another Ythan long sleeve top which I knicked to race in!

I got to the start where my boss from work was the hudder upper, and got pushed off into the wind, 'dig in!' the usual cry from the starting officials, and boy did I need to. The first five miles I was running close to max heart rates to keep up a good speed to the turn, annoyingly, where I got held up having to wait for cars to pass before I turned, as soon as I could get up to speed though I was flying along with the tail wind, heading up the climb to Echt faster than which I had gone down! Onto the long straight and the final blast to the finish had me crossing the line in 27:08, which should have been a high 26 if I hadn't had to stop at the turn!

Once home I then had to go and pick up the ex and my daughter and take them back to the house, slightly unexpected but good none the less as I get to see Phoebe for a whole week :)

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