Day 271 Tier 3 Day 31

Well they are down and the house is back to normal - more of less.  As always it takes a while to get things down and back away - we have changed some of the storage places this year to make it easier for our old bones to get them next year.

It was a cold night and everything is quite frosty.
Elf and Safety are getting ready to hibernate again.  They were looking out of the window wistfully.
Oh Elf said Safety - it looks cold out there.
It does Safety but look the pond  is frozen
Shall we go skating Elf ?
Yes lets it will be something to remember while we are away.
Off they went 
Crikey this wall is high Elf  let's find something to help up climb it.
They managed to find a big stone and were soon at the edge of the pond.
Oh Safety Elf said we have forgotten our skates.
Never mind  Elf we can just glide around on our feet.
Elf gingerly stepped onto the ice and immediately slipped and landed on his back 
Elf Elf safety cried stay still and I will come and help you up.
He then stepped on the ice and fell over as well.
It is a good job I as keeping an eye out for them so I rescued them and told them about the foolishness of venturing out without the proper gear.
We thought it would be OK  but we know now that was a bit silly.
It was a lovely but cold day.

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