and through the wire...

By hesscat

Forget You 2020

Well, what a year you were 2020, dumping all that on us! But oh no, there was so much that you’re having to pass the rest of your **** on to 2021 to deal with, cheers mate, you’re going down in history!

Covid, Brexit, race & gender inequality, climate change, democracy deniers… and incompetent fools in governments out of their depth trying to deal with all those issues and in their wake, leaving societies more polarised than ever. Are you sure you are up for it 2021?

Despite all that, it’s been a year where kindness, caring, compassion and sacrifice has never been so evident, how could we have made it here without it? I’ve been living the life of a hermit since March and it’s these 3 in the blip (and Molly cat sleeping upstairs) that have kept and keep me going. Love Ya Fam!

So Forget You 2020, and Bring In On 2021, although can we just fast forward to summer, or 2022? Good luck everyone!

And see you later EU!

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