All dressed up to say goodbye...

.. to 2020. It’s certainly been a strange year but has also given many opportunities to try many new things, and to renew contact with friends with whom we’d lost touch. We’ve counted our blessings and had our hearts touched big time hearing of those for whom it’s been very sad year.

It’s been good to share the good and the not so good here on Blip, a wonderful community. A better 2021 to everyone.

Big Sis is with us again and we decided to continue the same same theme by wearing our abayas bought on a holiday to GadgetKid and G in Dubai, several years ago now.

D has cooked a wonderful curry for us this evening. An Aloo Keema curry, cooked with potato and mince. A recipe from SweetArt/ Sandy in Hong Kong, and GK’s sister. We are now replete ... as our dear Dad always said after a meal.

I am glad I believe God holds the future in his hands.

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