Going out with a .....

…sense of mixed emotions. The 23:00 hour deadline with Europe saddened me more than I thought it would. I know the formal departure from the EU took place in January but this felt like a severing of citizenship of Europe and the rights and freedoms that came with it. And something I have cherished all my adult life.

I am prepared to be proved wrong but I fear we are in for some years of difficulty which will affect the most vulnerable the most. The promises of bright future, bursting with opportunities ring hollow. It may be true for some but whether that is sufficient to sustain those who cannot benefit quickly we will have to see. It may take time: but for many it is the next week that counts.

But as I remarked previously, that die is cast and new futures will await us all.

Sadness was enhanced by the news of COVID infection numbers and, tragically, the death statistics and the fact that behind each is family and/or friends who have most likely lost someone ahead of time.

Relief, that save for one former colleague friends and family have survived COVID so far. Gratitude that we have the means to be comfortable to support ourselves and help others and have retained our health. Appreciation of what we have.

And finally anticipation. The Hogmanay drone shows online over Edinburgh and the Highlands were impressive and moving with a lovely use of language. Underpinning them was a look to a fresh start for us all.

Tomorrow my extras start again at 100 and I think I have up now used up all of this year’s. I will need to pace myself a bit better next year.

My blip repeats the first photo I ever blipped and was reminded of the approach by a photo in the media.

I like it as it provides a sense of bursting forth, something we all hope to do in 2021.

And seeing this year go out with a visual bang: necessary given the absence of fireworks.

Wherever you are may I wish you a safe, healthy, happy, vaccinated New Year.

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