Da 40th Birthday Cake

A breezy day, but mostly sunny, and chilly.  Calm and clear skies tonight, frosty too.

The quietest New Year I've ever had, but it was fine, as I woke early and no hangover.  Got out walkies after breakfast, and then back in time to catch a video call from aunt Carol and family in Australia.  We headed down to mam's at lunchtime, and we had a fine NY walk.  Popped by Madeline's to wish them a Happy New Year too.  More walkies with Sammy this evening, and now a glass of wine, and feet up.   Another 14 Coronavirus cases added to the Busta cluster, bringing the total to 68 since Christmas.  

Forty years ago today, I came into the world.  Mam had just finished the NY meal dishes, when she had to rushed off to the hospital, and I arrived to make the family whole, and perfect.  The night of my arrival, 1st Jan 1981, there was a terrible snow storm, but they made it.  The storm was still going on the 2nd, but with more babies due, mam was discharged, and sent home with dad, and Will Halcrow drove us home.  I spent my first 20 years here at the family home, and still love to come back.  Mam baked me a cake, and we had a good fun out in the garden.  Hopefully we'll get a good family gathering soon, and maybe my surprise party too.  Me, mam and dad, with Sammy wanting my cake.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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