Fourth day on and we are clearing out the attic in instalments.
Heh sixteen years worth of living at this address equals the rubbish to sort it out.
Amongst old kids sledges, Raf's turntables, a real fur (presented to me by a good, old friend that belonged to her in her heydays and its made out of Canadian wolf, somehow I don't even dare to wear it but its worth loads of monies), kids staff, Helena's early drawings and art, crockery and pottery presented as 'hand me down' presents yet beautiful and sagely to name few an there is this pig leg (preserved in salt) and hanged since bringing it back from Spain we've been to in summer of 2012.
Raf says its still ok, and I better believe him :)

Todays lunch - pan fried salmon fillets, skin on marinated in olive with orange & lemon juice with turmeric and whole pepper grinded freshly.
Also marinated with them prawns.
Served with pan fried chilli spinach, salmon smeared with sweet tomato & chilli chutney reduced with orange juice for 5 min.
Quite tasty and light for the new year.

A xo

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