Food memory

I had some lovely frosty photos from my walk this morning, but this rather boring photo is the one I’ve chosen for today. Odd and surprising!!

As someone who was a child in the 60s and 70s, I have very few striking food memories from that time. Probably a good thing, it was after all the era of spam and chips, vesta curries and tinned mandarin segments with a splash of evaporated milk. Pasta and pizza were yet to be invented, at least in my house. But today, standing in the queue at my local farm shop, I was gazing at the chiller cabinet to pass the time and noticed this hazelnut yogurt. I was suddenly transported back to my childhood. It was a great favourite of my mother’s. Who on earth would choose this as a favourite flavour?? Well, she did. She’s been dead for over 34 years now, but I suddenly felt close to her again. I doubt that I’ve had one of these for at least30 years, probably more. I quite enjoyed it actually!!

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