campervan man

By campervan

Sorry but you will have to blame level 4

Yes its another Christmas present (I was spoiled) and again very well targeted.
I went to a lot of music festivals in the late '60 and early '70's but after that I focused on  marriage, mortgage and kids for a few years.
We were in Brighton one day and on the counter of HMV were tickets to Glastonbury 2000 . Daughter two, very early teens, suggested I should take her and I did. Top of the bill, David Bowie. Some write ups say this relaunched his career, it certainly was magnificent. This is a four LP record of his set that night.  
It also relaunched my festival fascination, fortunately also infecting daughter's 2 and 3. Every year since (apart from fallow ones) we are on the phones and latterly computers, trying to get tickets, Usually unsuccessfully.
We failed to get 2020 tickets, the show was cancelled and tickets will be used for 2021 (if its held).
The LP sleeve says Now I remember why I want to do it again. Its because its a unique atmosphere, totally anything like the rest of my universe. So the next one I can try for is 2022,  success would be a great 70th birthday present

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