Cottonwool clouds

A dhow and a beautiful sky
Love this time of the year
My first but not last sunset of 2021

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 271 new cases, 0 fatalities and 189 recoveries today

India approves AstraZeneca and local Covid vaccines

Australia's Covid-19 cases on the rise as masks made compulsory
Since the pandemic began, it has reported more than 28,450 Covid-19 cases and 909 deaths.

US distributes over 13.07 mln doses of Covid-19 vaccines; 4.2 mln administered
US Covid-19 cases surpass 20 million as deaths mount
The United States has seen a spike in number of daily Covid-19 fatalities since Thanksgiving with 78,000 lives lost in December. A total of 345,000 have died of Covid-19, or one out of every 950 U.S. residents, since the virus first emerged in China late in 2019.

Thailand sets more restrictions amid Covid-19 second wave
On Sunday, it confirmed 315 new coronavirus cases, the majority of which are from local transmission, bringing its total to 7,694 cases and 64 deaths since its first case last January.

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