An Eggcelent Result

I woke up tired and feeling anxious about the new term. I kept myself busy this morning making a cauliflower and leek gratin to have with our lamb this evening, prepping the other veg and then made a dark ginger cake.
Made the most of my last afternoon of holiday by taking to the sofa with my kindle. Then the school WhatsApp group went crazy. The Director for Education in Essex has asked schools to remain shut on Monday and Tuesday, pending a meeting with the DfE tomorrow. I’ve planned my lessons for this week already, presuming we would be in the classroom. These may now have to be adjusted for home learning. It would have been so much better to have decided a couple of weeks ago that the Christmas holiday would be extended which seemed an obvious choice to me.

In other news, the chickens have started power-laying and are producing more eggs than we can possibly eat. 16 today!

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