Two rays of sunshine

There were three actually but by this point Max had drifted off to do something different!! 

A busy day. This morning we took down the 2 trees and packed everything away in the loft. It took ages to do as we try to have things packed in specific boxes, big tree / little tree, but for some reason that failed. The chaos will be rectified next Christmas. 

I have added a picture in extras of my ‘Alaskan moose in drag’, bought in an outdoor market in Anchorage. I remember it vividly as there was a young woman wandering round with a b...... great snake round her neck. I’m not a fan of snakes at the best of times, but decided not to run in case I got lost!!! 

We did a spring clean of the lounge whilst we tidied up .......a satisfying feeling :0) 

This afternoon I had a FaceTime session with A and the children. A great fun session hearing all of their news. We do miss our meetings in London, but realise that it will be a while before we can meet in person. One of the good points is that this delay is giving me time to recover and built up my strength for what is a strenuous outing. 

I always take pictures on our outings, to record Max and Annie growing up, so took one today. What I didn’t realise until later is that I’ve inadvertently taken a selfie !!!! 

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