eye of the camera

By telefoto

Been missing blip...

So has been an absolute age since I have used blip and I have missed it...

So alot has changed since my last blip..I left mcdonalds a job I had been in 11 years and worked my way up..we have had a global pandemic and we are on our 3rd lockdown!

Whilst in 1st lockdown and on furlough i managed to get myself a new job!!!
In IT of all things no sure how I managed that..hubby got made redundant and started his own business.
Now here we are 2021 first week of and we are in another nation lock down to try and stop the spread of covid 19 ...today I'm working from home kids are home schooling and chocolate is definitely needed thank god for left over Christmas goodies ...let's hope people listen to guidelines and rules and let's get 2021 on track to be a good one back to seeing family mixing and business back up and running ...today is gonna be long the next few weeks are going to feel like a life time ....cabin fever was setting in before the new lockdown god knows how it will feel at the end ..take care stay safe...I'm going to try and keep sane in this one by re connecting with blip see you tomorrow x

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