
3°C  -  7 mph N Wind Speed  -  16 mph Gusts  -  Overcast.  A sad day for me  -  I spent some time sorting through received Christmas cards, and one from a dear ex-colleague was missing.  We’d worked in the  same Faculty in Peterborough College, and ever since retirement had exchanged Christmas cards.  There was always a letter enclosed in which she gave me all the news of other colleagues and their lives that year.  I didn’t have her telephone number, so I googled her name to see if that came up with anything  -  what a shock when it came up with her obituary.  She had died earlier in 2020 aged 74.  I knew she had been ill  -  but 74 is too young to go!  The obituary said no flowers, but donations to a charity  -  I have chosen Wild Life Trust, as she was a country girl at heart.  So not feeling much like looking for a blip today I searched through to see what I blipped the same day last year to see if it gave me an inspiration.  That was another sadness  -  today last year I was with family in Glasgow  -  no Tier 4 then! My blip was a pigeon  -  well no shortage of them here, so my blip for today is  -  yes, a Pigeon!  You can see Montrose Pigeons are fatter than Glaswegian ones!  Here's the Glaswegian Pigeon!

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