Serious frost

We had fog. And a frozen world.

I went to the butcher’s, in the car because I don’t want to damage my knee again this lockdown. It was fairly quiet, and as I’d already defrosted the car, I decided on a brief detour up to Gentleshaw Common.

I arrived in grim dense fog, and poor light. Magnificent atmosphere but useless for photos. 

I had some lovely brief and safe conversations with dogs and their walkers, and gradually the fog receded and the sun shone.

Up there you feel on top of the world. And I was breaking no rules. My mileage in total was about seven miles. 

We are so lucky to live in Staffordshire. 

Stay safe my friends.

P.s. my next door neighbours, in their 80s and with some health concerns, have an appointment for their Covid vaccines. Fingers crossed that this is a promise that can be kept. 

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