How You See It

Dear Diary,

After the horror of yesterday,  it is hard to find a photograph to reflect what I am feeling right now...shock, despair but a certain sense of hope that even after the bloody attack on the Capital, congress returned and finished the job of certifying Joe Biden’s victory.  They were not cowered by the assault instigated by Trump.  This image of the warm morning sun on the dried leaves across the road glowed through the dark, stark tangle of snow covered branches.  Some might see that as threatening but I saw it as an invitation to look through that tangle of dark branches to the light.  We will get through this; America has always overcome adversity and good will triumph in the end.  There is, indeed, light at the end of this long dark tunnel we’ve been in during the last four years.

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

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