As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Operation Make America Bigger

Written at 9:15 p.m.

This morning started like the past two; feeding the dogs at 7:00. The only difference about this morning was that another group of kids was there preparing to go out on their dog trek. Their dogs added to the confusion of the dog yard, but they scooped the poop so we didn't have to. My group (me, Ryan, Jon, and my dad) headed out quickly with Drew and Colin to go to Canada. We made great time on the way there, and Ryan and I goofed around a lot on Sled Four. Colin challenged us, and I think we destroyed him when Ryan got on my shoulders and we still managed to stay on the moving sled and control the dogs. When we got to Canada we couldn't spend much time there, because apparently there are drones patrolling the border. We just hopped off of the sleds quickly, took pictures in front of the "Welcome to Canada" sign, and then turned around and headed back. I dropped Ryan's phone in four feet of snow, but it still works. We took a bunch of pictures and videos of us riding on the sled, and some of them came out really well. We got back just before the other group returned from ice fishing. We had some lunch and then went on our final ride together. We took a new trail around Flash Lake and then took some at-risk youth from the Duluth area on "circle rides" (we just take them for a few laps on the sled around an island). After unharnessing the dogs, we began to pack up a little before feeding the dogs one last time. Saying goodbye to the dogs was tough. Even though I've only been with them for a few days, I really took to them and hated to leave them. Drew kinda messed up our beef stroganoff dinner, but we still managed. We brought all of the borrowed items back to the Bay Post and then stopped in the Trading Post one last time. We all went in shifts to shower a little while ago, and now we're heading to bed.

Operation Make America Bigger is accomplished when you take a rock from behind the "Welcome to Canada" sign and toss it onto the American side.

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