
By ashep


My last Monday at the office today! I'm hoping for a less stressful week to finish off what's been a great first office-job experience! Everyone is asking me what I'm doing after I'm done here, and I can still honestly say that I have no idea. I think I'm heading west, and I know I'll be leaving about a week from now but that's as far as I've gotten. And for once, I'm not stressing out that I don't know where I'll be in a week's time! I'm embracing the idea that the best adventures are unplanned. I'll keep you updated with how I go throughout the week though!

As for this photo, this car sits on my street everyday and I've been walking by it for the last couple of weeks wanting to take a photo but I've always found something else to post. I have a habit of doing that, "saving" photo opportunities for a day that's more or less mundane and unphotoworthy. I'm really happy with this photo though. I love old, worn in looking things, whether it's a building, a car, a bicycle... you name it!

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