In Signage We Trust

Here is a fine example I found in our local park. Note its simple but elegant classical structure.
·      First comes the iconic “Exclamation mark” that tells us immediately that we must beware
·      Then a concise three-word delineation of the danger that we face, in general terms – CAUTION UNEVEN GROUND. Note the “loud” use of capital letters to grab our attention and to highlight the importance of the warning.
·      But what is the nature of this uneven ground you ask. Well the dangers turn out to be threefold – rabbit holes, ruts and debris.( I think "rabbit holes, ruts and rubbish" would give better assonance, but I quibble)
·      Now you begin to panic a little. How big are the rabbit holes? How deep are the ruts? What exactly is the nature of the mysterious “debris”?
·      Still your beating heart! All you need to do is to take extra care and all will be well.
 A semiological masterpiece that could could proudly hold its head up high in any museum of signage.
Mockers should remember The Titanic, Scott of the Antarctic, The Lost Tribe of Israel and countless other disasters that could all have been avoided with better signage.
Stay safe out there.

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