
3°C  -  11 mph N Wind Speed  -  21 mph Gusts  -  Rain.  Watched a BBC program on The Planets this afternoon  -  part of it was predicting 5.5 billion years ahead  -  couldn’t make out whether Earth would still be inhabited!  I began to think of my garden being a planet  -  a bit small perhaps but plenty going on in it.  I was going to do an indoor blip today because it has been raining all day, but I managed to take one on the patio that complemented yesterday’s extra shot  -  today Mrs Blackbird and Pigeon are sharing their meal.  It’s a bit blurry because it was raining and taken through the window, but I like the raindrops showing on the Blackbird's back and also the sharing aspect  -  that would never happen between the Pigeon and Jackdaw or Magpie!

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