Thanks Viki

During the first lockdown , my Pilates class went onto Zoom and the lovely Viki recorded all the classes and put them on YouTube. There are 15 classes for me to choose from and do again whenever I like. Like on those days when its rained all day , I'm not going out and anyway the Government say Stay at Home. Here is the lovely Viki and some of the Pilates toys I've bought during the year.
Coronavirus news. I've not been keeping a daily track- (unlike BOM whose diligence is outstanding) but this  Lockdown 3 in England, which started on Wed 6 Jan, so this is Day 6.  
GOOD NEWS . My Mum got her first Covid jab yesterday , yes a Sunday. She says it's made her tired so she's missed most of the  programmes she's tried to watch on the TV today. 

On a less positive note Cumbria Police report that they spoke to more than 550 people over the weekend and issued 68 fines , mainly to people from multiple households travelling to the Lake District for exercise from outside the county.

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