Tuesday's painting...


This morning, his lordship and I checked the kitchen. He examined every inch of the floor and under things. His verdict, no mice for 24 hours. I checked my photographic evidence from over 24 hours ago. Nothing has been disturbed. All chocolate, onions, and also my instant potato trail which shows if they walk further in my kitchen was completely undisturbed. 

We both concur, no mice for 24 hours at least. Tune in tomorrow to see an update. My digital drawing today shows Popeye checking for mice...

I need to catch up on some sleep (his lordship woke me up at precisely 3am...what is it with cats and their internal clocks more accurate than an expensive precision timepiece?), before that eye hospital appointment today, and me having to creep under the wire at the borderlands of Wales and England to reach it......

I will try and play catch up tomorrow...

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