
By SquirrelsEtc

Mono Monday: Week 364 ....

... glass and wood.

I was really at a loss today for the Mono Monday theme.  We were asked by our host picturemull to have a look at this picture and post our reaction to it.  

Well, the first thing I noticed about the picture was all the glass.  Now ... how do you interpret that and also include a squirrel since this journal is all about them! 

I knew I had this glass vase as I've used it before for a squirrel/chipmunk blip.  I had a hard time finding it even though I had organized the sunroom recently.  Richard found it for me and I set it out for the squirrels.  

It wasn't a long wait for the squirrels to come around.  And it was very comical at times because they couldn't seem to figure out that there was an opening at the top.  They were trying to get to the peanuts through the glass and that obviously wasn't working.  This one finally figured it out and got her reward. 

Thank you picturemull for these very thought provoking challenges. 

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