Tate Britain: Has minimalism gone too far?

I was beginning to get very tired of sitting by my co-worker on the bank of desks, and of having nothing else to do while eating my lunch: once or twice I peeped into the book he was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, 'and what is the use of a book,' I thought 'without pictures or conversation?'

So, I followed my nose out of the building. After a bit of a stroll I found myself at the back of a rather large and impressive building. Turning the corner, I came across a hole in the ground labelled "Main Entrance". I descended a long ramp, through a door, and up some stairs. I had arrived somewhere in the Tate; which is going through a bit of a transition.

I spent a bit of time being confused by an exhibition called 'Looking at the View'. I think they needed to store a miscellany of pictures, while work was going on in several of the galleries, and hit upon the idea of calling it a thematic exhibition. It was a clever idea, but I don't think it quite comes-off. See for yourself.

Anyhoo, this was my favourite gallery - minimal content, minimal punters, maximum impact.

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