Curry in a hurry

I should know that if I don't get out in the morning I won't get out at all. Today was just call after call after call, fifteen minutes to make a sandwich somewhere along the way, notes still to write, tired eyes, a slightly murderous disposition by around 7pm.

Oh and the slight issue of what to do for dinner (need a proper food shop but keep putting it off). We considered a takeaway but were both far too impatient to deliberate on what/from where. So I foraged (in the fridge) and made a 'curry in a hurry' with some quorn, the last onion, a sweet potato and some pak choi. 

Turned out well and gave me a reasonable food blip (well it's the only photo I've taken today). You will not be surprised to know that I intend be up and OUT before dawn in the morning!

Thank you for your lovely compliments about yesterday's morning view.

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