Blue Skies....

though not today, and at this time of year not too often!  Sky being the topic for today's Wide Wednesday hosted by BobsBlips I looked up and thought hmm, maybe I could take a picture of my TV or satellite dish.

Anyway the rain eased off after lunch and Ann came with me on my afternoon constitutional.  I saw a little break in the clouds as we approached Shottery and I tried a shot of the tree tops with grayish sky.  Not sure if it worked, but it is wide.  Also today is Wild Wednesday hosted by Cailleach and this is quite wild.

In other news: I put together a curry this morning that we had for lunch.  It was a bit of a mismatch as I didn't have all the ingredients so I combined a couple of recipes and used cauliflower, sprouts and a mixture of spices.  We had it with some basmati rice.

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