
One of the Workshops that I bought access to before Christmas I wasn't able to see at the time because they changed the date, but they offered it 'On Demand' for a couple of months. Today I decided to have a go. 

I had everything ready as told - central motif, fabrics, sewing machine, iron etc. But I am glad I wasn't trying to do it in real time, as I soon got behind and had to 'pause'. It's not easy sewing at the same time as watching someone else sew. 

Anyway I managed and have made part of a cushion cover. I used some of the African fabrics that I have had stored away for a long time and I am quite happy with it. It is a technique of quilting as you place each piece, rather than waiting until the end to quilt. It is quite straight forward, but as I have not done much quilting recently it was a good activity to get me going again. 

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