Looking for woodmice up a tree

Wednesdays are always a bit of an 'other' day for the eldest, he has PE, science and RE as his main subjects for the day.  The science topic for today was all about woodlice, we had to learn a bit about them (they breath through their legs!), design a house for them (he designed a house with a bedroom, slide, shoe shop and pet shop), then look for them - perfect for a trip to the woods.  Unfortunately, no matter what I said, the eldest is convinced they are wood mice and as we couldn't find any under the many branches on the ground, he went up a tree with his binoculars to look for them. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Over half way through the running challenge - 49.5m to go (58 done!) 
One on one maths lesson for the eldest, which was really useful (the teacher has never met a child who learns like him, apparently).  According to the mums what's app group, one of the other children who should have been on it was busy eating a fry-up and the mother forgot, the other decided it wasn't worth it - our gain! 
Boys who love to get outside, despite the rain.  

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