Day 277 - Kelvingrove

Thanks god no black ice this Monday morning and I could doe a proper Netwalk again.
I was paired with Jackie who is a "Visual Recorder"
She i.e. does huge live drawings during a meeting, basically graphic meeting minutes! I am very much impressed by this skill!!
We had a great chat - a lot about camper vans!
I had a call with Lynsey at lunchtime which resulted in her booking a big Brand shoot with me!! Happy me! Business is going well - sad that all the shooting can only be done after lockdown.

I had another call later in the afternoon with a professional Photo organiser and this was pretty awesome.

What she does is AMAZING and I think we ALL need her!

Mel helps people to bring order in their photo collection!
Not only digital!
She works with any format and is able to take the boxes of photos, albums, slides plus digital photos and brings them in order, scans non digitals, including those in albums, ensures old photos are stored in a non destructive way and does all sorts of other magic things with passion and angelic patience

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