Thanks to Blip

In the days before Covid I used to regularly take a photo of the latest book I was reading. These were always taken in a cafe, usually in-between volunteer driving jobs. You can see the series by clicking on the blipfillerbook tag. 

Of course everything has changed and I haven't done any volunteer driving for nearly 12 months and I also haven't had the opportunity to sit in a cafe and relax with a book either. Looking back the last photo I took like this was at the start of March last year.

As it was another miserable day again I thought I would revive the series but this time the picture was taken on the dining room table.

I owe a gratitude to blip for this book as it was someone on here who put me on to this series (I think it was Puffin but apologies if I am wrong). I picked up the first 3 in the series in a charity shop in Knutsford when we had a bit more freedom. Having read those I had to resort to Amazon to buy some more which is a shame as I enjoy looking around the charity shops. Having said that it is well worth it because I think they are brilliant. This is the 4th in the series.

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