Waterloo bound

I discovered the smallest platform at Clapham Junction this morning - I thought I'd gone a little mad and lost platform 7, but I was at the right spot. I was anxious to be early/on time for my new job. I got there in plenty of time - yay! A really lovely team of folk and the company appears to be extremely organised, which is a pleasant surprise - computer all set up and everything! I had a bunch of lunch companions to welcome me to the canteen (subsidised this time, not free, but that's fine). I came out of my day's work with a smile. Especially because I'd been invited to the pub by one of my new colleagues. It's such a small industry that I work in as this new colleague was actually someone I worked with when I first joined my last company! I promise that I'm not stalking her. So, we went for drinks with three of my ex-colleagues who are still at my last company. Lots of work talk and plenty of chit-chat about non-work. A great night to end a very good day.

Thank you for all the well wishes yesterday! Much appreciated.

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