Abstract Symmetry

Today's challenge for Abstract Thursday is to find symmetry; I went into my garden looking for something that fits this challenge. This kale is the best example of symmetry I found.

My daughter and her friend had a good day driving to Nevada today.....all went well after their rocky start.....they are spending the night in a little town only 4 hours drive tomorrow to her home in Mesquite. I am glad they are safely over the mountain.

Oh, by the way, I came home today because I had a massage appointment; it was wonderful. Now I am home alone since my husband decided to stay at the beach house. I am watching a movie he would hate and it is actually quite enjoyable.  Oh yeah, I went for a ride and saw the local Bald Eagles today......I saw them on a different tree than they used to sit in.......unfortunately it is farther away so getting a photo wasn't possible. 

Stay safe .........  Maybe chocolate isn't a great idea.....I ate too much chocolate and I have a tummy ache.   :-))

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