Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

When you've got time on your hands ...

I went for an 8am walk today. Woke up feeling a bit stir crazy, so did a loop through the town centre and passed this statue of HG Wells holding his time machine. He was a good looking fella by all accounts and something of a wild child for his time, with some very liberal views on sex and relationships, of which he had a great many. The Nazis burned his books because he didn't like them, and had him on a hit list of people to round up for "when" they invaded Britain. He also played soldiers with Jerome K. Jerome (of Three Men in a Boat fame) and may have written a couple of well known (or should that be Wells known?) books. Top bloke.

As usual I had a middling day in the home office and my mood went up and down like a yoyo. I shall be very glad to see longer, milder days in a few weeks. Unless HG Wells can whip me forward in time and save me the wait ...

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