Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Another sunny day

Didn't know what to blip today! Stopped off in Rickerby Park in Carlisle enroute to Annan late afternoon for a dog walk. It was like a summer's day and there were lots of like minded people wandering around the park, it was great. A few weeks ago at the time of today's blip it would have been dark! Forgot the blooming memory card again, had to use the phone again. The phone always takes a good picture when the weather is fine, just as well really!!

I watched the sun go down as I was driving to Annan but wasn't able to stop anywhere, just as well really as no memory card!

My head's spinning at the moment with stuff. I've found a second hand rear axle online and hoping and praying that it arrives by Wednesday or Thursday as car is booked into the garage on Friday. Its also time for me to get another car and there's sooo many to choose from!

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