Lady Blackbird!

5°C  -  12 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  21 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Fog.  Watched a Jürgen Domian program to brush my German language  - here he is on YT .  In my work as psychotherapist his relationships ideas were a great inspiration.  Then I watched another of my favourite programs  -  Click on BBC, and learnt about cordless Blenders  -  wish I’d known about them when I bought my Blender!  Another interesting item on Click was Robo car racing  -  driverless racing cars  -  who’d a thunk it  Thankfully the fog cleared and I got out into the garden  -  my Daffodil shoots are about half-an-inch through now so watch this space!  Bit too cold to hold the camera steady though, so I retreated indoors  -  then the birds took over.  Here is a lady Blackbird getting stuck in there before the Pigeons took over.

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