Day 286 Day 12

Wanted to do a Silly Saturday in memory of Admirer.  No idea what to do.  The bunnies are still on holiday and not due home until  Monday afternoon - hope they all get negative tests.

Well back  to my Silly Saturday KG was watching a universe documentary while I was in the kitchen tidying up - one phrase struck a chord with my silliness  - the black hole eats light  so you have my take on the black hole eating light.
Spent the morning in the kitchen - made a fruit cake, base for a pizza and some mince pies.
After a dull start we did have some sunshine and I took a walk around the garden Some more snowdrops have appeared - rhubarb is just peeping above ground. hyacinths coming along nicely.  Spent some time looking for a binding tool but can't find it guess I will have to buy another

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