Fleeting Glance

of this delightful little blue tit, before he flew off again (it was the only shot I got!).  They are such round little birds :)

Firstly, thank you so much for your comments yesterday!  Last night thankfully I slept until my usual sort of wake up time which is 5.30am and I just lay and relaxed and read until it was time to get organised for church.

A morning of frustrating problems...

the toilet cistern didn't have any water in it - yet was trickling down the back of the bowl.   I tried pumping the handle a few times and eventually it filled up and flushed.  Hoping it will stay working now as I've no idea how to undo the cistern...

Then nothing but technical problems for me with church and zoom - seems it was me not them....but anyway - I kept losing sound, losing altogether, not being able to type anything :(  Really got very fed up and ready to throw the laptop (and this is my new (well, rebuilt) one) out of the window, if you know the feeling!!

After zoom when I was going to close down though it seemed to want to do an update, so I hope its fixed now as there is a prayer meeting tonight...

After a snack and bit of a read of my kindle, I got out in the garden for a good hour with coat, scarf and hat on admittedly.  

First of all I've done rough measurements of the whole garden (where I could).  I've had to do it in sections as the metal tape measure wasn't even long enough to do the short side (the house width).  So its been fence panel and post, by fence panel and post (and where I couldn't reach behind the shed, just measured the spaces and the shed itself!  The next thing will be to hopefully draw a plan roughly to size :)

Afterwards I cut back the budliea which seemed to have dead flowers on, so hope it was right to do it now, and  generally weeded and tidied up, so I'll have a good bag full for the green waste when they collect it - its been cancelled for a month due to COVID, but hopefully they'll collect next week!

I was only indoors five minutes when the doorbell rang with a delivery I wasn't expecting until tomorrow - so I got excited, and then found that the Amazon description was wrong for the second book (including a kit, didn't include a kit!!).  

So I got onto Amazon customer support and they've admitted the description was wrong (and given a full refund, and I can keep the book too)!  

Happy Sunday folks :)

Birds 2021

Blue Tit
Canada Geese
Greylag Geese
Shag or Cormorant

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