Cornish Pasties

My father grew up in a California gold mining town, where there was a large immigration of Cornish miners who would eat them for lunch in the mines.  The tradition of the pasties got passed down to our family per my father's request.  I have fond memories of the smell in the oven when my mother would make these for my father. They later became a staple when my mother would freeze them and send them along when I would visit for the weekend from college and later on my first job.

I saw a picture on FB from a distant cousin on my father's side who made them last week with his wife.  That got the wheels turning and he shared the recipe that he used off the internet.  These are made from scratch and quite easy actually if only the time to dice all the ingredients.

That in turn got the wheels turning by my father who was able to dig out the handwritten recipe that a friend of my grandmother in the local congregational church shared with my mother in order to prepare them for my father - some sixty years ago.  Reading through her recipe which was only written for the first time from her memory having made them since a small girl was amazingly the same as the traditional recipe as I copied from the internet with the benefit of some hints and variations as she had prepared them over her lifetime.

PS, they were delicious.  Next time to implement some of the variations!

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