Plenty of chew over at the moment.
Beech Nut was a UK brand of chewing gum, with a sweet peppery taste. It came in little oblong packs and you had to suck off the hard outer shell before you could start chewing.
When I was a kid, the Corner Shop had a vending machine with this gum, like this one owned by a friend. There was a 1 in 4 chance of getting 2 packets for the price of 1, as the machine was programmed to give 2 packs every fourth turn. Bargain !
I also earned a few coppers by volunteering to fill up the machine . . . and I did not pocket any packs . . . honestly. Mr Wilson was a super-kind sweet shop owner . . . a typical gentle old man . . . when buying an iced lolly he would always ask if you wanted a hot one or cold one. Happy Days.
Well done to Australia . . . fewer than 1000 C-19 deaths so far . . . just proves how dense the population is here in the UK.
Stay safe and smile !

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