The problem with working with friends

Having survived for the past 15 years as a 'word-of-mouth' communications consultant, I thought it might be time to go for a more professional look. 

So I asked a good friend if he might help me out. He does a lot of work with me, so I felt quite comfortable passing him the brief. 

It was based on the old concept of communications being a "meeting place" of ideas, where conversations shape future choices and... blah blah blah, I am boring myself.

Turns out that I was boring him too... 

The extras show some other options, and I have no idea which I like best. These are first drafts, so not final - and, of course, any input is gratefully received.

Of course, it goes without saying, I hope, that I am delighted to work with friends. If anyone is looking for an excellent graphic designer with a wealth of experience, then don't hesitate to let me know. Or a communications consultant, for that matter :).

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