
By MarilynParker

Not much of a walk

I walked to the local post office today to send a card to my brother in Sweden and on the way home I diverted to the local playing field and beyond it to get a bit more distance in. It was not much of a walk though. The highlight of it was on the path at the playing field when I trod in sloppy dog poo - the place was full of it despite there being bins for dog poo. Lazy, selfish owners. You have to walk there with your head down at all times. I'd looked up for 2 seconds.
I took mum for her first covid vaccine this afternoon but not long before I went to pick her up I got a text from my GP surgery to say I was invited to have my covid vaccine and they gave a link to make my appointment. I am booked in for Sunday January 31st at our local vaccine hub (Totally Wicked Stadium, which is the Saints rugby league stadium).
A friend asked me if I'd had a walk and said they just about made their steps goal. I said I wouldn't be anywhere near mine (my goal is 11,000 a day, a bit over-ambitious with the weather we've had lately). To my surprise I'd done 9009 when I looked at teatime. I should make 10000 if not my goal.
Feeling positive re the vaccination programme.

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