Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

Their Voice will be Heard!!

We can all become passionate about many things. Sport, family religion, politics to name a few.

For many of us the passion may present itself as a heated discussion on the topic. For others that passion can become too much and become out of control (as was seen by various events over the past year in the USA).

However if a cause is worth fighting for, many folk will demonstrate their feelings in the way these guys are.

Their "Beef"... Is that British Gas want to "Fire then Re-Hire"....
Work more, pay less, less pension! All sounds vaguely familiar!!

Will their campaign work? Only time will tell, but they are campaigning and I hope the solution is found for them... One in which they feel valued by their employers rather than them just feeling that they are a payrole number!!

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