A Night in the Caribbean!

3°C  -  10 mph NNW Wind Speed  -  18 mph Gusts  -  Overcast -  Some Fog.  Definitely not the weather for an outdoor shot.  Seen here is what followed my Prawn Salad lunch  -  a couple of Boudoir Biscuits soaked in Coconut Liquer.  Definitely to be recommended☺  I wanted to light it with two lights to do away with any shadows, but one bulb was dead and I had no replacement.  The result with one light was OK, but I decided to do some post-processing with PaintShopPro 2019 using Effects  - Glowing Edges  -  Intensity 3  -  Sharpness 20.  I liked it, but it might not be to everyone’s taste  -  although the real thing definitely will!!☺  You can see the pre-post-processed version as an Extra.

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