Choose Light

I have been glued to the TV and news outlets all day.  I will admit that I feel a tangible uplifting to the outcome of the day and what I hope to be a positive change in American politics and the community, which I know will spill across borders, identities and political positions.

A quick browse on Facebook shows a lot of holdouts and skepticism among my friends.  It is truly hard for me to comprehend their motivations.  In any case, President Biden has laid the path of inclusion for everyone. It's OK not to agree, and let's wait to judge him by his actions. The power of example and not the example of power.

I pray for him tonight.

I didn't take a photo today and decided to look for a photo from four years ago this day.  This was the closest I found.  Strange maybe.  A magical night in the Swiss alps at the home of a friend and former blipper with the complete opposite political views as me.  We stayed awake most of the night exchanging stories and reveling in the brotherhood of friendship and the pistes we had skied that day.  Not a call has ended in these last four years where we haven't talked about the American politics and rhetoric.  But honestly, we have always managed to end each call at least stating that each has a right to his views and the facts and interpretation of the news outlets and a common respect for each other.  I hope to continue as always this friendship and that the outcome of the new President Biden is a positive change for the world.

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