Tis Snowy Up North!

Lockdown 3 - Day 16

I’m very envious that there’s snow again up North, Rach took this from her bedroom window and sent it me. We’ve just got gale force winds and heavy rain, although on the weather forecast tonight they’ve said there’s a chance of snow on Sunday - fingers crossed!

I’ve been in work at the clinic all day today and have been training Elisa, which has meant having to wear my mask all day as we’ve been in a room together. She lives in Kent and is having regular Covid tests as their numbers are quite high, so they’re encouraging anyone that’s having to go out to work to get them done every few days. Luckily hers have been negative so far.

I heard that Tony, Chris’s husband has tested positive today, 10 days after losing his mum to Covid.

My new cross trainer arrived yesterday and Alan assembled it last night, so tonight I had no excuse! I did 25 minutes on it while watching Coronation Street, and it nearly killed me lol! I shall endeavour to go on it at least three times a week.

Anyway I’m off to bed as I’ve an early start in the morning, I have to be at Hastings Hospital which is an hour away, for 8.30am for my Covid jab!

Oh, and the big bad Trump has finally left the building!

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