Rosie and the cock mug

I developed a hankering for fish this morning. To eat that is. I went to the fishmongers to stock up. He has lost half his business over the last ten months. He is a man I shopped from for many years, he has always been the silent type. Not any longer!! He was Mr Total Chatty, we covered a wide variety of subjects while he transformed whole fishes with heads into nice fillets that don’t make me scream.

Then I had crab salad for lunch followed by a slice of battenburg. Like it was my birthday or something.

My headstand workshop plans have attracted much hilarity in this parish and further afield, I have no real idea why. Anyway, I have surprising and disappointing news on that front to share. We did a bit of prelim work in yoga this morning- turns out the new fangled, non- early 1980’s headstand is a complicated, protracted and seemingly impossible procedure. Am happy I am therefore workshop invested so I can learn from the experts!

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