My day

The weather has been horizontal rain today. Not nice. Berry and I managed 15 mins (OK, 10, max) out the front playing with her favourite bald tennis ball and picking up rabbit sniffs. Slightly concerned that what she 'produced' today was 50% sand from yesterday's play on the beach.

And then indoors for the rest of the day. The results of my labours are above. Dad's bookcase needed more attention with wire wool and polish and now I'm wondering a bit why I bothered as the CDs cover everything! But at least some of the cardboard furniture has gone.

Berry whined to go out for a while this evening and eventually we relented (this is an annoying habit she's trained us into; she basically goes out and then waits for rewards to come back! But WE know she needs a pee, although that's the last thing on her personal agenda! Arrggh!). Anyway, even she was beaten by the wall of rain and wind around the corner of the house tonight and we've had a less disturbed evening. So there are silver linings everywhere if you look for them!

The builders have discovered, unsurprisingly, that the barn is built on solid earth with no foundations, just like the old bit of the house, with bedrock poking through. However, 'animal activity' (ie rats) has undermined it and now it's being shored up with breezeblocks which wasn't quite on the original to-do list. It's good to find out though, before the wing and a prayer holding the wall up completely disappear.

An evening of sloth beckons.

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