
Quiet kitchen desk day but without meetings (makes such a change!), so when I saw the weather I decided I needed to get a lunchtime walk in. Went through the middle of the park this time, but despite the ice and snow it was boggier than I expected so I didn’t manage quite the striding out fast walk I was hoping for. Beautiful though....
Home and whilst I worked on I had an ear on a panel discussion (full on row more like) about David Hume’s legacy and naming policies related to racism and slavery history. Some pompous caricaturing on display....
Chatted to T about Kt’s birthday tomorrow and his drainage work in the garden, and joined A&N virtually as they opened what should have been their Santa stockings if I’d been staying at their house with them as planned. Lots of laughs and N loved his golf club socks so they were worth the effort.
After supper, AR called to read her books to me...she’s at the confident ‘I can run, I can sit, I am in the mud, the fat cat, the big cat is in’ etc stage...and clearly delighted with herself (extra). So frustrating not to be there sitting with her but I guess this is the next best thing...
In the latest episode of my exciting lockdown life I sorted out all my earrings and necklaces...silver polishing them, making holders for all my studs and chucking out the broken ones or those I’ll never wear again. What will be the next fun filled activity?!

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